Confused as to what blank verse is, look no further than
the writings of William Shakespeare. Renowned for
perfecting the craft Marlowe reveled in, the first known
usage of blank verse was an interpretation of a 1st
century Latin poem called Aeneid by Henry Howard,
Earl of Arundel and Surrey (1554).
After Shakespeare, Milton’s Paradise Lost was one of
the last blank verse dramas written, as this form was
increasingly going out of fashion (to be replaced, for a
century and a half, by the verse “couplets”). Later on,
blank verse was revived by romantic poets, most
famously by Alfred Lord Tennyson in “Ulysses.”
Recently used in MacKinlay Kantor’s 1945 war novella
“Glory for Me”, blank verse was utilized to present the
struggles of returning WWII veterans. Blank verse still
remains, to this day, a prominent form of writing.